Moving tips: Appliances

Things you need to know about moving household appliances


The conventional wisdom is that refrigerators should not be plugged in after being moved for at least 2 hours to let chemicals to settle in the lines. If the refrigerator had to be layed down or was hoisted, it should be left upright for at least 24hours for the oil in the compressor to settle. 

Hooking up appliances

We cannot hook up any of your appliances that have connections to water or gas. We recommend if you do it yourself to pay particular attention for the hours following the hookup. Water can do a lot of damage to a home, and making sure your plumbing is well sorted is of paramount importance. Wait to plug your washer in until you can be home and keep an eye out for leaks or other issues until you’re sure everything is fine. 

Usually dishwashers are hard-wired into the house with a switch, so an electrician will be needed to unhook your dishwasher in addition to a plumber. If you would like a recommendation on a local plumber or electrician, let us know, we might have some suggestions.

Front Loading Washer and Dryers with Shipping Bolts

Some front loading washers and dryers require shipping bolts for transportation. Without these bolts installed at the back, the drum can shift, come unhooked, or cause damage. When the appliance was originally delivered the delivery workers should have provided you with the bolts. If you don’t have them or can’t find them, try googling the model name of the appliance to see if you can purchase them. You could also call up a local appliance store as it’s possible they could sell you a set. Different appliances have different bespoke bolts so the bolts for a different machine likely won’t work.

Here are some links to articles about shipping bolts:

Extra Charges

We don’t charge extra for “white items” which includes most household appliances. If we’re moving a huge florist’s fridge or a commercial washer & dryer, there may be additional charges but for household types, there’s no additional charge.